
2017-06-21 06:20

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

As we all know that......(我們都知道)

It's pretty clear that......(很顯然地)

I believe we're all agreed that......(我相信大家都認同)

I know we've all had some problems with....(我知道我們跟…有些問題)

例:I believe we're all agreed that this company is our best bet in South Asia.(我相信我們都同意該公司是我們在南亞最好的選擇。)

例:It's pretty clear that XYZ company has the most market share in smartphones.(XYZ公司很顯然在智慧手機市場裡,擁有最高的市佔率。)

3、態度要熱情真誠:Always wear passion on your sleeve. It's like a magnet. We're naturally drawn to those who radiate with passion.(熱情像磁鐵,我們天生就被散發熱情的人吸引。)

wear passion/heart on sleeve 表露熱情/情感

讚同他人想法時只說Good、That's true是不夠的,何不試著用下面的方式來表達你們是站在同一陣線的:


That's a good idea./That's not a bad idea.(這想法很好/這想法不賴)

It might work!(這會有效!)

I completely agree.(我完全同意)

4、激發他人想法:Encourage people to talk about themselves. And say what makes them tick and appeals to their interests.(鼓勵人談論他們自己。講話要讓人有動機做事。)

what makes people tick(激發人們的原因)


What do you suggest?(你會怎麼建議?)

What are your thoughts?(你想法是什麼?)

Do you think this will work?(你覺得這個會有成效嗎?)

風傳媒歡迎各界分享發聲,來稿請寄至 opinion@storm.mg
