傳單根本不叫DM,奧客也不叫bad customer!這6個台灣人超常講錯的購物英文,老外其實聽攏嘸

2020-06-18 16:15

? 人氣


(O)ripped off

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

相信大家逛街時最害怕銷售員拿著保養品走來叫你試用,耳根子一軟就買下去了,不僅價錢貴鬆鬆,有些牌子甚至連聽都沒聽過,又或是買回去才發現自己被「敲竹槓或被騙錢」了!雖然這種情況就像被騙了,但英文並不會說 cheated,而會說 ripped off。

A: I got a great deal on this set of skincare products. It was a real bargain!
A: 我買了一整組的護膚品,超划算的!
B: Really? How much?
B: 真假?多少錢啊?
A: The salesperson said it’s 50 percent off! So it only cost me 22,000 NTD!
A: 銷售員跟我說現在打五折!所以我只花了兩萬二!
B: Wait… what brand is it and where did you buy it?
B: 等等… 那是哪一牌?你在哪買的?
A: It’s called Fountain of Youth. I bought it from the ABC pharmacy.
A: 它叫「青春之泉」,我在 ABC 藥妝店買的。
B: You were ripped off! That stuff isn’t even close to being worth 22,000 NTD!
B: 你被坑了啊!那東西才沒有兩萬二的價值!


(X) compare stores
(O) shop around

在街上看到喜歡的東西可別太快下手!小 V 就有好幾次買貴的經驗,所以記得一定要 shop around。around 意指「四處;周圍」,所以 shop around 就像是東看西看、「貨比三家」,好幫自己的荷包省點錢啊!

A: Nice dress! You look so gorgeous. 
A: 這洋裝真好看!你好正。
B: Thanks, but I should have shopped around.
B: 謝啦,但我應該要貨比三家的。
A: Did you find a lower price?
A: 妳有看到賣得更便宜的嗎?
B: Yeah! Right after I bought it, I saw another store selling it for only 490 NTD!
B: 對,我一付完錢,我就看到另一間店只賣 490 元!
A: How much did you spend then?
A: 那妳花多少錢?
B: 990 NTD!
B: 990 元!
A: Well… I guess that lost 500 NTD will teach you to shop around next time.
A: 至少那 500 元教會妳下次要貨比三家囉。

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