清明節根本不是Ching Ming Festival,美伊僵局的英文又該怎麼說?這12個CNN常用單字必學

2020-02-03 15:46

? 人氣

It is important that the two candidates respect each other after the election.

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

evacuation (n.) 疏散

名詞,「疏散,撤離」的意思,動詞為 evacuate,字首 e- 表「外、出來」,中間的 vac- 表「空的」,字尾 -ate 是「使、做」之意,故 evacuate 解釋為「撤離 (使空出來)」。例如:emergency evacuation (緊急撤離)。

The relentless war has caused hundreds of casualties, so the government will issue an evacuation order tomorrow.

The smoke from the wildfire has led to serious air pollution, and people will need to be evacuated as soon as possible.

ominous (adj.) 不祥的

形容詞,「不祥的,不吉利的」之意,同義詞有 sinister,反義詞有 promising、prosperous。

Ominous music in a movie creates an atmosphere of horror that is supposed to give you goosebumps.

A: Please don't go to the graveyard at night. I have an ominous feeling about this.
A: 拜託別晚上去墓園,我有種不祥的感覺。
B: Don't worry about it! It's nothing like a horror movie.
B: 別擔心啦!跟恐怖片一點都不像。
A: That's what the characters say before something bad happens to them.
A: 片中角色出事前也都這麼說。

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