
2020-01-30 15:38

? 人氣

Six pm is best for me to see the doctor.


於是到了晚上七點, Claire 終於進了診間…

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

Doctor: Hi, please have a seat. What brings you here?(你好,請坐。今天怎麼了?)

Claire: I don't feel well today. I have a severe soar throat and feel a little dizzy.(我今天身體不是很舒服,我喉嚨很痛、頭有點暈。)

Doctor: How long have you felt like this?(你已經這樣多久了?)

Claire: Since last night.(從昨天晚上開始。)

Doctor: Do you have any other symptoms?(你有其他症狀嗎?)

Claire: I can't eat anything… I just feel nauseous.(我完全吃不下,我一直覺得很噁心。)

Doctor: I see. It's just a cold. I'll give you some medicine, and you should get some rest at home for couple of days. Here is your prescription.(好的,我了解了!我想是感冒,我會給你一些藥,這幾天你要多待在家休息,這裡是你的處方簽。)

Claire: Thank you so much, Doc.(醫生,謝謝你!)

What brings you here? 今天怎麼了?

What brings you here? 這句話乍看之下是「什麼帶你來的?」,難道醫生是在問我怎麼來醫院嗎?千萬不要誤會了!這句話是在問你「今天是因為健康狀況而來看醫生」,除了看診時會用到這句話,如果今天有一個很久沒見的朋友突然來找你,你也可以說這句話,而此時意思就是「是什麼風把你吹來了?」。

What brings you here? I feel like we haven't met in decades!


symptom (n.) 症狀

看醫生時一定要詳述症狀,醫生才能對症下藥,因此醫生也可能會這麼問:Do you have any other symptoms? (你有其他症狀嗎?),symptom 為名詞,表「(疾病的) 症狀」。

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