even if和even though到底能不能通用?一篇搞懂even的4大用法,台灣人千萬別再搞錯!

2019-03-31 08:30

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

1. I miss you even you don't miss me.

2. They said I need to pay even I do not live there. (Chinese)

3. Even you don't believe it, you need to respect it. (Thai)

4. So you'll be fine even you don't have a clue about Overwatch or gaming. (Korean)

5. How to pay off debt fast – even you don’ t have the money. (Middle Eastern)

6. How to pretend like a real bartender behind the bar even you don't have any bartending experience.(Spanish)



1. I miss you even if you don't miss me./即使你不想我,我還是想你。(不知道對方到底想不想她)或I miss you even though you don't miss me./你雖然不想我,可是我還是很想你。(確知對方並沒有在想她)

2. They said I need to pay even though I don't live there./他們說,雖然我已經不住在那裡了,我還是得繳錢。

3. Even if you don't believe it, you need to respect it./即使你不相信,你還是得遵守。

4. So you'll be fine even if you don't have a clue about Overwatch or gaming./所以,即使你不懂《鬥陣特攻》或電玩,你還是不會有問題的。

5. How to pay off debt fast - even if you don't have the money./你就算沒錢,還是可以很快還清債務。

6. How to mix drinks like a real bartender even if you don't have any bartending experience./你就算完全沒有調酒經驗,還是可以像資深酒保一樣調製可口的雞尾酒。


本文、圖經授權轉載自世界公民文化中心(原標題:Even的四種用法:「even if」和「even though」意思一樣嗎?)


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