
2015-12-29 06:00

? 人氣

The President of PEN International, Jennifer Clement, said, ‘PEN International is deeply concerned by the recent reports of four missing publishers in China. If it’s confirmed that they are in detention, it will be yet another blow to the declining situation for freedom of expression in the country. Chinese authorities should investigate these reported disappearances and immediately clarify the situation.´

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

IPA President, Richard Charkin said, ‘We are seriously concerned for these people’s safety. If they have indeed been arrested, then this is another example of the Chinese Government’s campaign to try to silence dissent in Hong Kong. The IPA calls on the Chinese Government to immediately declare whether these four people are indeed being detained and if so, on what charges. In any event, we ask the Chinese Government to do everything in its power to assist in locating the publishers and allowing for their safe return.’

- See more at: http://www.pen-international.org/newsitems/china-serious-concerns-about-the-disappearance-of-four-hong-kong-based-publishers/#sthash.j4h4mPKr.dpuf

*作者為流亡作家,美國西部筆會寫作自由獎(2000年)得主。2000年8月,因在北京印刷出版《傾向》文學人文雜誌第13期,被控以「非法出版罪」在北京入獄,後獲釋,遣送美國。曾先後在德國、法國、台灣、香港等地旅居。曾獲選為紐約公共圖書館學者作家中心(2002--2003年度)駐館作家、德國柏林文化基金會(Kunstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf)駐地作家(1998)、德國國家交換學人(German Academic Exchange Service Fellowship,DAAD)(1997)、美國布朗大學駐校作家(1990-1993)等。著有《貝嶺詩選》、《哈維爾:一個簡單的複雜人》、文學回憶錄《離逐》(Ausgewiesenpage,德譯版)、《犧牲自由:劉曉波傳》(Der Freiheit geopfert,德譯版)等。

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