
2018-10-05 14:43

? 人氣

The great Chinese storyteller Lu Xun often lamented that his country, and he wrote, "has either looked down at foreigners as brutes, or up to them as saints,」 but never "as equals." Today, America is reaching out our hand to China. And we hope that soon, Beijing will reach back with deeds, not words, and with renewed respect for America. But be assured: we will not relent until our relationship with China is grounded in fairness, reciprocity, and respect for our sovereignty. (Applause.)

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


There is an ancient Chinese proverb that reads, "Men see only the present, but heaven sees the future." As we go forward, let us pursue a future of peace and prosperity with resolve and faith. Faith in President Trump's leadership and vision, and the relationship that he has forged with China's president. Faith in the enduring friendship between the American people and the Chinese people. And Faith that heaven sees the future - and by God's grace, America and China will meet that future together.




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