
2018-07-08 07:00

? 人氣


[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

《巴勒斯坦問題》第69頁內容:Zionism ... coincided with the period of unparalleled European territorial acquisition in Africa and Asia, and it was as part of this general movement of acquisition and occupation that Zionism was launched initially by Theodor Herzl.

另一位巴勒斯坦裔美國學Sayegh(1922–1980)的1965年論文內容:The frenzied “scramble for Africa” of the 1880s stimulated the beginnings of Zionist colonization in Palestine. As European fortune-hunters, prospective settlers, and empire-builders raced for Africa, Zionist settlers and would-be state-builders rushed for Palestine.


《巴勒斯坦問題》第68頁內容:Zionism … was a colonial vision unlike that of most other nineteenth-century European powers, for whom the natives of outlying territories were included in the redemptive mission civilisatrice.

指控的來源也是Sayegh 的論文:Unlike European colonization elsewhere ... Zionist colonization of Palestine was essentially incompatible with the continued existence of the “native population” in the coveted country.

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