
2015-02-22 18:00

? 人氣

亞歷普洛尼(Alex Pryrodny)擁有古典、爵士音樂紮實的背景,新學院(The New School)畢業後參加世界青年爵士鋼琴獨奏大賽(Montreux Jazz Piano Solo Competition)獲得亞軍殊榮,因緣際會來到台灣,更與歌手蕭賀碩結為連理,蔚為樂壇佳話。

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1. 您同時受到古典與爵士的札實訓練,這兩個音樂領域對您而言最大的差異為何呢?

這是個很有意思的問題,而且可以寫一整篇長文來回答!簡潔的說,我覺得爵士與古典再沒有像現在這麼接近彼此的時刻了!許多古典作曲家使用了非洲韻律──爵士的根源,與歐洲傳統古典音樂融合,嘗試在曲調內做不同的排列組合,或是即興。換個角度說,我還記得我在紐約的學校(New school)尋找琴房練習的時候,在走廊上就可以聽到同學練習著巴哈、拉威爾,以及查理帕克!古典與爵士的確在融合中!

1. What's the biggest difference from classical and jazz?

That’s a very interesting question and one I could write a whole essay about – if not a book! If I boil it down to just a few sentences, I would say that now jazz and classical music are closer than ever before. Many classical composers are incorporating the African rhythms, which are the root of jazz, into the European classical tradition, some are playing around with chance and improvisation. On the other hand, I remember during my days at the New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music in New York, I would walk down the corridor looking for a practice room and I would hear young jazz pianists practicing Bach and Ravel as much as Charlie Parker! So it’s really all merging now.

2. 您曾改編過〈雨夜花〉、〈流浪到淡水〉等台灣人熟悉的旋律,這些改編的台灣作品之中,您最鐘意的曲子是哪首,原因為何呢?


2. What's your favorite Taiwanese song that you rearranged?

I like them all! The thing about folk songs, from any country, is that for a song to be passed down through generations it has to stand the test of time – so most of these songs are actually very good, very well-written and memorable. It’s very fun for me to take familiar melodies and try to give them a new context.

3. 周末的鋼琴獨奏會,將會帶給大家甚麼驚喜嗎?


3. Are you going to give the audience some surprise on the concert?

I’ll give you a hint. Imagine you’re preparing a cocktail. What happens when you put Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, 鳳陽花鼓 song and some jazz in the mixer with some ice and give it a good shake? Come to the concert and you will see!

Alex Pryrodny 鋼琴演奏會 - 自我介紹篇

還記得去年由文水藝文中心舉辦的「公民爵醒」爵士音樂會嗎?番外篇特地請來曾獲世界青年爵士鋼琴獨奏亞軍,美籍烏克蘭裔的台灣女婿亞歷普洛尼(Alex Pryrodny),他多次來往紐約與台灣之間,對於台灣的旋律有獨特的視角與詮釋。讓我們聽聽他怎麼把我們熟悉的旋律化成意識流的魔法。


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