
2020-07-24 20:42

? 人氣

謝謝,謝謝大家。謝謝你州長,真是溢美的引介。的確,當你在體育館裡提到龐畢歐(Pompeo)這個名字,大家就會開始竊竊私語。我弟弟馬克確實是個很棒的籃球選手。我們是不是掌聲鼓勵一下藍鷹儀隊?還有空軍一等兵海史密斯(Kayla Highsmith),她獻唱的國歌非常棒。(掌聲)

Thank you, too, to Pastor Laurie for that moving prayer, and I want to thank Hugh Hewitt and the Nixon Foundation for your invitation to speak at this important American institution. It was great to be sung to by an Air Force person, introduced by a Marine, and they let the Army guy in in front of the Navy guy’s house. (Laughter.) It’s all good.

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

謝謝勞利牧師(Pastor Laurie)的感人祝禱。我也要謝謝休伊特(Hugh Hewitt)與尼克森基金會的邀請,讓我來到這個重要的場合發表談話。剛才獻唱國歌的是一位空軍,一位陸戰隊成員介紹我上台,他們讓一個陸軍出身的人(指龐畢歐自己)站在一個海軍(指二戰時曾在海軍服役的尼克森總統)的房子前面,這真的很棒。

It’s an honor to be here in Yorba Linda, where Nixon’s father built the house in which he was born and raised. To all the Nixon Center board and staff who made today possible – it’s difficult in these times – thanks for making this day possible for me and for my team.

很榮幸來到約巴林達(Yorba Linda),尼克森總統的父親在這裡蓋了一棟房子,他就在這間房子裡出生、長大。謝謝尼克森中心董事會與全體職員,有了你們,今天的座談才有可能舉行—尤其當前的局勢頗為困難,謝謝你們今天為我和我的幕僚所做的安排,讓這場演說得以實現。




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