「同婚讓女性地位變低」?英國最重要文學獎副執行長公然反同 作家群起譴責轟下台

2020-06-25 17:53

? 人氣


Until yesterday I didn't know who Emma Nicholson, Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne, was. In addition to being a member of UK Parliament in The House of Lords, a Conservative peer and Vice President of @thebookerprizes. She is also business partners with JK ROWLING at @wearelumos and a follower of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism, or as they call it Gender Critical Feminism. In addition to calling me "a weird creature" and sharing transphobic memes featuring abuse that I received three years ago, reframed as if I said it myself. She has also deliberately misgendered me and begun retweeting dangerous propaganda from anti-trans hate group Transgender Trend, who actively go into schools to disseminate anti-trans rhetoric TO CHILDREN AND TEACHERS. Her followers are also sickeningly accusing me of SOLICITING CHILDREN because I publicly offered personal support to trans kids on twitter. As patron of @mermaidsgender charity and someone who dedicates so much time and energy into campaigning for trans kids to have a voice, I'm absolutely disgusted that a member of The House of Lords is able to behave this way. This is not okay. If you want to help, please head to the link in my bio or swipe up in my stories. Thank you for all your support with this. I appreciate you all. xxx

MUNROE(@munroebergdorf)分享的貼文 於 張貼

同志作家痛斥 基金會連發2聲明

巴爾向《衛報》表示,對於基金會的聲明感到「震驚」,「有這樣的人位居組織高位,要我們如何再信任此獎項?」首位贏得布克獎的牙買加作家詹姆斯(Marlon James)、英國作家佩瑞(Sarah Perry)和出版界LGBT組織「驕傲出版」(Pride in Publishing)均譴責尼寇森,不過尼寇森對《衛報》聲稱,批評者沒有證據證明她「恐同」,還說若基金會撤銷她職銜「會非常後悔」。

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

尼寇森是協助成立布克獎的英國商人凱恩(Michael Harris Caine)遺孀,凱恩曾任基金會董事長。《衛報》先前指出,基金會諮議會成員不滿先前的回應,並引述基金會發言人說法稱,董事會會再進行討論。「議題很複雜,但我們立場很明確」,基金會24日傍晚再發聲明,「我們強烈反對種族主義、恐同和恐跨性別,反對任何形式的歧視」。





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