
2020-05-25 10:51

? 人氣

Historically, Hong Kong has been the safe haven for the dissident, the liberal-minded and the nonconformist; we speak truth to an increasingly powerful China. Amid the virus, China has revealed its true colors as a rogue state. And in the past year, we have been standing at the forefront against China's encroaching authoritarianism.


We sincerely hope that the international community will not give in to the economic benefits China has to offer and sacrifice respect for human rights. The economic recession brought by the virus ought not to be resolved through succumbing to China's encroaching authoritarianism; trade happens on equal and fair terms but not threatening and bullying. We urge the U.S. government to execute the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, impose sanctions on China and include human rights terms in relation to Hong Kong into trade treaties they are about to conclude with China.

我們衷心希望,世界不會因中國承諾的經濟利益而妥協,犧牲一直所秉持的核心價值——亦即對人權的尊重。因疫情所帶來的經濟衰退,不應以向日益橫蠻的中國威權靠攏來解決。經濟貿易應建立於平等和公平的基礎之上,而非透過威脅以及霸凌而達致。我們呼籲美國執行《香港人權民主法》 ,以及歐盟通過《全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法》,對中國實施制裁,以及在即將與中國達成的貿易協議內加入與香港人權狀況相關的條款。

We ask you, once again, to stand with Hong Kong.





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