第74屆金球獎》梅莉史翠普領終身成就獎 嗆準總統川普博得滿堂彩

2017-01-09 15:53

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[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知

川普的初步反應還算克制,但稍晚就一如各方預期原形畢露,在推特(Twitter)上破口大罵,形容曾經19度入圍奧斯卡獎並3度獲獎的梅莉史翠普是「歷來最被高估的女演員之一」,是「希拉蕊的走狗」(Hillary flunky):


Please sit down. Thank you. I love you all. You’ll have to forgive me. I’ve lost my voice in screaming and lamentation this weekend. And I have lost my mind sometime earlier this year, so I have to read.

Thank you, Hollywood Foreign Press. Just to pick up on what Hugh Laurie said: You and all of us in this room really belong to the most vilified segments in American society right now. Think about it: Hollywood, foreigners and the press.

But who are we, and what is Hollywood anyway? It’s just a bunch of people from other places. I was born and raised and educated in the public schools of New Jersey. Viola was born in a sharecropper’s cabin in South Carolina, came up in Central Falls, Rhode Island; Sarah Paulson was born in Florida, raised by a single mom in Brooklyn. Sarah Jessica Parker was one of seven or eight kids in Ohio. Amy Adams was born in Vicenza, Italy. And Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem. Where are their birth certificates? And the beautiful Ruth Negga was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, raised in London — no, in Ireland I do believe, and she’s here nominated for playing a girl in small-town Virginia.




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