
2017-10-29 07:40

? 人氣

2017 百貨公司周年慶已經陸續開跑,即使再宅、再懶、荷包再扁,但是看到「限時特價」、「限量」、「超值組合」這些關鍵字,還是會一不小心就失心瘋閃電掏出卡來!想要避免荷包繼續失血,就一定要看這集艾倫秀傳授的「省錢密技」!

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


Can I ask you all a question? Sure. It's my show. What am I asking you for? How many of you are shopaholics? Great, make sure you stop by the Ellen shop on the way out.

我可以問你們所有人一個問題嗎?當然可以。這是我的節目耶。我為何要問你們呀?你們有多少人是購物狂?很好,確定你們在出去的路上要在 Ellen 商店停留一下。

● -aholic 或 -oholic 等字尾的英文單字通常是指「沉迷於...的 XX 狂」,例如 workaholic(工作狂)、alcoholic(酒鬼)、chocoholic(巧克力愛好者)等,而這邊的 shopaholic 則是指購物成癮的購物狂

I think we're all shopaholics this time of year, and it's not our fault. Stores have a lot of tricks up their sleeve to get us to spend more money. They lure us in with all kinds of great deals, and then the second you walk into the store, someone sprays you in the eye with perfume. So you're all disoriented, and you end up buying the closest thing to you, which happens to be a very expensive Gucci bag. At least that's what Portia said happened.

我想我們在每年這個時候全都會是購物狂,這不是我們的錯。商店有許多詭計讓我們花更多錢。他們用各種超優惠的促銷引誘我們進去,然後在你走進商店的那一秒,某人就會用香水噴你的眼睛。所以你們全都失去了判斷能力,而且你們最後買下了離你最近的東西,而那剛好是一個非常昂貴的 Gucci 包。至少那是 Portia 說發生的事情。

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