老外問「What is your line」竟然不是要加你Line?1分鐘搞懂Line的各式用法,誤會了超尷尬!

2020-06-02 16:51

? 人氣

I can pay cash on the line.

[啟動LINE推播] 每日重大新聞通知


3. out of line vs in line

再來看兩組相對的line片語,out of line和in line。Out of line就字面意思是在線以外,既在線外,自然就有「不合適、不一致」,或是「不恰當、踰越分際」。

His ideas are out of line with reality. (他的想法不切實際。)
Your behavior is quite out of line. I shall report you. (你的行為不當。我會告發你。)

相對地,in line就是「可接受的、守規矩的、不惹事生非」。

Those prices are about in line. (那種價格還是可以接受的。)
How did you keep your kids in line? (你是怎麼讓孩子乖乖聽話的?)

4. Be in line for 很有可能成為

In line如果加了for,就多了一層意思,是「有資格得到,非常有可能會」,是很口語化的表達:

Rachel was reported to be in line for the job of general manager. (據說瑞秋有可能升任總經理。)

My boss has been praising my leadership skills. I think I might be next in line for a managerial
position. (我老闆一直稱讚我的領導能力,我想我應該是下一個主管人選。)


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