
2017-10-02 15:00

? 人氣




加泰隆尼亞自治區當局晚間宣佈,公投中共有42.3%選民投票,當中90%支持獨立。自治區主席普伊格蒙特(Carles Puigdemont)表示,經過這一天的苦難,加泰民眾已經贏得以共和國形式獨立的權利。「單方面宣佈獨立的大門已經打開。」

加泰隆尼亞政府將在未來數天內,將公投結果付諸加泰地方議會。西班牙總理拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)則指,加泰隆尼亞民眾被蒙騙,參與了一次違法投票,並形容今次投票是對民主的「嘲弄」,並堅稱「加泰隆尼亞自決公投並無發生」。


Firemen try to hold a group of people in front of Spanish Guardia Civil officers outside a polling station in San Julia de Ramis, on October 1, 2017, on the day of a referendum on independence for Catalonia banned by Madrid.
在加泰北部城鎮Sant Julia de Ramis,消防員擋在集會民眾與西班牙國民警衛隊之間
Catalonian Firemen
People help a man injured by a rubber bullet fired by Spanish police officers outside the Ramon Llull polling station in Barcelona October 1, 2017 during a referendum on independence for Catalonia banned by Madrid.
巴塞隆那Ramon Llull票站外,一名男子被西班牙警方的橡膠子彈所傷
Protesters are reflected on the shields of Spanish police officers outside the Ramon Llull polling station in Barcelona October 1, 2017 during a referendum on independence for Catalonia banned by Madrid.


Pro-referendum supporters create a barricade to prevent police officers gaining entry inside the Escola Industrial of Barcelona school polling station ahead of the closing of the polls on October 1, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain
A man blocks a line of police truck as they try to control the area as people wait to cast their ballot in the referendum vote at Escola Industrial of Barcelona school polling station on October 1, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
A ninety-year old man is cheered and clapped by the crowd as he leaves after casting his referendum vote at the Escola Industrial of Barcelona school polling station on October 1, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
People join arms as they clear a path for the arrival of the official ballot boxes to arrive at the Escola Industrial of Barcelona school polling station on October 1, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
An election official carries an empty polling box out of the polling station after the counting had finished for the referendum vote on October 1, 2017 in Barcelona
Crowds gather to await the result of the Indepenence Referendum on October 1, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
Crowds gather to await the result of the Independence Referendum at the Placa de Catalunya on October 1, 2017


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